Festivalcompanion 2024-04-23T15:31:43+10:00 Festivalcompanion 2024-04-23T15:31:43+10:00 2024-04-23T15:31:43+10:00 Disposable Postpartum Underwear - Bubba Bump pregnancy Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy
Price: 18.95

Disposable maternity underwear that eliminates the need for uncomfortable, awkward pads in your postpartum journey. Our postpartum maternity underwear is your answer to comfort in the post birth period. You can even wear them when your waters break!

 Designed for mamas and endorsed by midwives, you know this product is a hospital bag essential. Our postpartum disposable maternity underwear is leak free, super comfortable and leaves you feeling secure post birth.

Perfect for the initial postpartum ( fourth trimester) and beyond. You can wear them in place of sanitary pads and/ or panty liners - a must for urinary incontinence, weak bladder muscles and pelvic core postpartum. Our postpartum underwear is a recovery essential!

Our disposable postpartum underwear absorbs blood, lochia, and can even be worn when waters break. They absorb 3X more than regular maxi pads and designed to be completely leak free.

Perfect for both C-section and vaginal birth as they are high waisted

]]> Medium (6-12) 18.95 38475 0 Large (12-14) 18.95 38476 0 2024-04-23T15:31:42+10:00 2024-04-23T15:31:42+10:00 Pregnancy Herbal Bath Soak 700G - Bubba Bump pregnancy Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy
Price: 37.95

Our pregnancy bath soak is made from the best soothing and 'ahhhh'  ingredients;  Epsom salts, pink Himalayan salt, lavender, lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil, geranium essential oil, neroli essential oil, calendula, chamomile, lemon balm, rose petals.

Directions: put the desired amount into the provided bag and slowly relax into the tub and sit. Inhale, take a moment and breathe!

Pregnancy is physically and mentally challenging - hormones and emotions are all over the place- you are growing life. Take a moment and be with yourself- mind, body and soul..

Be gentle with yourself mama. Our beautiful Finlandn-made and hand-blended soak will help you rest, sleep and rejuvenate.

]]> Default Title 37.95 38473 0 2024-04-23T15:31:41+10:00 2024-04-23T15:31:41+10:00 Upside Down 360Ml Peri Bottle For Postpartum Healing - Bubba Bump pregnancy Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy
Price: 29.95

What is a peri bottle used for?  The peri bottle is used for rinsing your perineum with warm water after you give birth.

The small holes in the spout give you a gentle spray of water – offering relief from that awful sting if you're recovering from a tear, have stitches or are swollen. 

We're not going to sugarcoat it: your vag will be sore, possibly torn, possibly stitched, and peeing will make it feel like it's on fire.  Our peri bottle will be a lifesaver. Do you use a peri bottle after the c-section?

The location of your incision makes bending over difficult and mobility limited, so have an upside down peri bottle to help with cleanup without putting pressure or soreness on the wound site.

bubba bump peri bottle Default Title 29.95 33026 0 2024-04-23T15:31:39+10:00 2024-04-23T15:31:39+10:00 Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Tea - Bubba Bump pregnancy Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy
Price: 24.95

Red raspberry leaf is believed to help strengthen uterine muscle, tone the pelvic floor in preparation for childbirth, as well as assist with breastmilk supply.

Studies have shown women who take red raspberry leaf have a reduced incidence of birth interventions.

Research has also found that women who drink red raspberry leaf tea regularly towards the end of their pregnancies had shorter second stages of labour (pushing stage) than those who don’t.

You can continue to drink this amazing tea after birth too. This nutrient-rich herb can be continued postnatally. It can assist with reducing blood loss, toning the uterus and supporting breast milk production. As with any herbal teas and remedies please check with your medical care provider before taking them.

Please note it may contain traces of gluten and/or nuts due to shared packing machinery. 

Our tea is made up of 100% certified organic red raspberry leaf tea. 40-gram size. Approx 40 servings

bubba bump raspberry leaf Default Title 24.95 33019 0 2024-04-23T15:31:38+10:00 2024-04-23T15:31:38+10:00 Baby Brush Set - Bubba Bump brush Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: brush
Price: 36.95

Our gorgeous three-piece hair brush & comb set is super soft. Perfect for your baby's delicate crown. Both the brush and comb have curved, wooden handles for easy and comfortable grip. 

The set features: ⁣ A soft hairbrush made with natural goat hair bristles, making it gentle on your little one's delicate crown and fine hair. The bristles encourage the even distribution of natural oils to condition hair and help prevent cradle caps.⁣

 ⁣A massage brush made with wooden bristles to increase circulation and massage the scalp, helping to calm your little one and encourage hair growth. Please note the brush has a tiny air hole to allow for cushioning. This is not a defect. ⁣

⁣ A premium wooden comb which easily detangles tiny knots and is also perfect for styling. our set is a precious keepsake and makes an ideal practical gift for a newborn baby. non-toxic finishes made with natural wood and goat's hair bristles environmentally friendly

baby brush set bubba bump Default Title 36.95 33016 0 2024-01-18T10:12:56+10:00 2024-01-18T10:12:56+10:00 Postpartum Recovery Perineal Spray - Bubba Bump pregnancy care Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy care
Price: 31.95

Having a baby means a huge ouch for your lady parts - your vagina will be swollen, bruised, possibly torn and very sore.

Our postpartum mist helps provides instant relief. You need this in your postpartum toolbox! 

Our healing postpartum peri mist helps you feel relief in postpartum with its wonderful cooling effect. Spray onto the perineal area post-birth. Store it in the fridge for additional cooling benefits.

Contains- lavender, geranium, clary sage,  frankincense essential oils, witch hazel, aloe vera + distilled water.  100 ml bottle soothe & relieve perineal spray is formulated specifically for the delicate skin of the perineum.

It comforts you from itchiness, pain, discomfort, bruising and soreness associated with having a baby.

bubba bump perineal spray Default Title 31.95 33015 0 2023-10-06T14:11:10+10:00 2023-10-06T14:11:10+10:00 Fertility Tea 50g - Bubba Bump mama Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: mama
Price: 24.95

Are you trying to conceive and looking for a natural way to support your fertility journey?

Introducing Bubba Bump Fertility Tea: Your Natural Path to Conception Our Bubba Bump Fertility Tea is thoughtfully crafted to support women on their journey to conceive.

Specially formulated with a blend of organic, ethically sourced ingredients known for their fertility-enhancing properties, this tea is designed to promote reproductive wellness and hormonal balance.

Key ingredients like peppermint leaf, chaste tree berries, nettle, raspberry leaf, passionflower, and lady's mantle work synergistically to provide a nourishing and supportive environment for optimal fertility.

50 serves. 

Do not use if pregnant or nursing

]]> Default Title 24.95 34948 0 2023-07-29T14:53:30+10:00 2023-07-29T14:53:30+10:00 Perineal Preparation Oil - Bubba Bump pregnancy Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: pregnancy
Price: 37.95

An all-natural certified aromatherapist-formulated oil to help you prepare for birth.  

 Perineum massage can help to reduce the chances of tearing in childbirth. Massing the perineum can increase the elasticity in the skin, which in turn can protect against tearing - which can happen during birth and labour.

From about 35 weeks you can start preparing for your labour and birth with a perineal massage. Research has shown that massaging the perineum during late pregnancy may encourage elasticity and reduce the risk of tearing during childbirth.

Where is my perineum? The perineum is the area between the vaginal opening and the anus. Some women choose to use perineal massage as a way of (hopefully) reducing their risk of perineal trauma during childbirth.

bubba bump Default Title 37.95 33020 0 2023-07-29T14:53:29+10:00 2023-07-29T14:53:29+10:00 Belly Band - Bubba Bump brush Bubba Bump

Vendor: Bubba Bump
Type: brush
Price: 30.95

Our Bubba Bump belly bands are the perfect companion for growing bellies and after your babe has evacuated!

 A pregnancy must-have, this belly band provides you with support and more coverage.

Wear this piece throughout your pregnancy to extend your current wardrobe. It can also be worn post-pregnancy. Great for popping on and covering where pants don't fit anymore- leave the button, fly open, and cover it up with our maternity belly band.  also a fantastic means of extra support for back pain- during and after pregnancy. 

Most suited for sizes 8-12

belly band bubba bump Default Title 30.95 33017 0